Что такое опорный балласт

Гораций Хе

Последнее обновление: 26 декабря 2023 г.

Что такое опорный балласт

A reference ballast is a specific ballast that serves as a standard for comparing the light output of a lamp operated on different ballasts. The reference ballast operates the lamp at its ANSI specified nominal power rating, which is the power level specified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for that particular lamp. By using the reference ballast, the efficiency and performance of other ballasts can be evaluated.

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The comparison between the light output of a lamp operated on different ballasts is done using the балластный коэффициент. The ballast factor represents the ratio of light output compared to the reference ballast. It is an important consideration in дизайн освещения as it affects the overall light output and energy efficiency of the lighting system. Different ballasts can have varying ballast factors, meaning they provide different levels of light output compared to the reference ballast. This information helps designers and users understand the performance and efficiency of different ballasts when selecting and installing lighting systems.

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